Privacy policy.

Privacy Policy for Three Bays Lending

Effective Date: February 28, 2024

At Three Bays Lending, we are dedicated to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our customers' personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect the information we gather from individuals who use our mortgage brokerage services. We are committed to complying with relevant laws and statutes, including those associated with the states of Minnesota (MN), Wisconsin (WI), North Dakota (ND), Illinois (IL), Iowa (IA), Colorado (CO), Texas (TX), and Florida (FL).

1. Information We Collect:

We may collect the following types of information:

  • Personal Information: This includes but is not limited to your name, address, email address, phone number, social security number, date of birth, financial information, employment details, and other information necessary for mortgage lending purposes.

  • Financial Information: We may collect information about your income, assets, debts, credit history, and other financial details relevant to your mortgage application.

  • Communication Information: We may collect information from communications with you, including emails, phone calls, and messages exchanged through our website or other platforms.

  • Transaction Information: We may collect information about mortgage transactions you enter into through our brokerage services.

  • Usage Information: We may collect information about your interactions with our website, such as pages visited, time spent on each page, and referring website addresses.

  • Device Information: We may collect information about the device you use to access our website, including IP address, browser type, operating system, and device identifiers.

2. How We Use Your Information:

We may use the information we collect for the following purposes:

  • Processing and evaluating mortgage applications.

  • Communicating with you about your mortgage application or other related inquiries.

  • Facilitating mortgage transactions and providing related services.

  • Marketing and promotional purposes, with your consent.

  • Improving our website, services, and customer experience.

  • Complying with legal and regulatory requirements, including those set forth by the state laws of MN, WI, ND, IL, CO, WY, TX, and FL.

3. Information Sharing:

We may share your information with third parties in the following circumstances:

  • With lenders, banks, credit bureaus, and other financial institutions to facilitate mortgage transactions.

  • With service providers who assist us in processing mortgage applications, conducting credit checks, or performing other necessary tasks.

  • With affiliated companies for business purposes.

  • In response to legal requests or to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

  • With your consent or as otherwise permitted by law.

4. Data Security:

We employ appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. These measures include encryption, access controls, and regular security assessments.

5. Your Choices:

You have the following choices regarding your personal information:

  • You may choose not to provide certain information, although this may limit your ability to use certain features of our website or services.

  • You may opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us by following the instructions provided in the communication.

6. Updates to this Privacy Policy:

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We will notify you of any material changes by posting the updated policy on our website.

7. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at (612) 910-8173.

By using our mortgage brokerage services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Last Updated: February 2024